Emission and imission measurements
- measurements of emission of dust contaminants using a reference method (total dust, suspended dust),
- measurements of emission of gas contaminants using reference methods,
- measurements of effectiveness of operation of purifying devices,
- determination of metal concentration in emission dust,
- measurements of biogas from landfills, sewage treatment plants and drains,
- tests of noise emission to the environment.
- average daily measurements and temporary measurements of dust and gas contaminants in atmospheric air,
- measurements of concentrations of suspended dust,
- measurements of dust fall,
- determination of meteorological parameters of the air: temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed and direction,
- determination of concentrations of: metals, tar, organic substances, inorganic substances in dusts.
To perform these measurements we use:
- dust meter sets (EMIOTEST 2594, dust meters P10ZA),
- gas analyser HORIBA PG-250C,
- gas analyser MADUR GA 40T plus,
- biogas analyser LMSxi, typ G4.18,
- automatic aspirators ASP-2,
- automatic dust samplers for suspended dust, type PP1-A and SKYPOST PM/HV with PM10 probes